Friday, July 30, 2010

Canister Vacuum Choices

When choosing what kind of canister vacuum to buy, the first real decision is what kind of power you need. Most people buy canister vacuums because they will be cleaning up something more than carpet floors. If you have some sort of special application, like cleaning up water you will need a specialty vacuum. Most canister vacuums will do fine cleaning up hard to reach dust with the long hose.

Depending on the floor surface you will most commonly clean you should choose between three common vacuum tools. In the Aurora vacuum repair business, we find that most other tools and accessories are rarely used. The simplest, and best for hard floors is the hard plastic brush with bristles. This is just a foot wide opening that can be used on hardwood and concrete floors. These clean smooth floors very well and it is just the standard vacuum opening.

You can also get a turbo brush that has a drum of bristles that spins as the air rolls over it. This spinning action helps kick up dust in carpet and other hard to get to surfaces. The brush pushes the carpet fibers out of the way so that the suction can carry all the dust from the bottom up. Our Aurora vacuum repairs company recommends some sort of brush action for any room with carpet. 

For maximum pulling action you can get a powered rotary brush. This type of vacuum cleaner has a separate motor to drive the spinning brush, which makes it much more aggressive in kicking up dust. In powered self pulling vacuums, it is usually connected to the drive wheels. Honestly, having those extra motors and wheels means more moving parts that can break - which means more visits to the Aurora vacuum repairs shop. So we love the kind of business powered rotary brushes bring, but I don't really think the average homeowner needs one unless you have a pet. The cost vs use is not really worth it unless you have a lot of carpet to clean or pet hair to get out.

Pet hair is the bane of vacuums and carpets. It seems like animals are just born to be little hair factories, and that stuff can really get stuck down in the carpet if you don't have a canister vacuum with an aggressive brush head.Other hard jobs for normal vacuums are water and hard objects. For things like that, try a wet/dry shop vac. But if you are just cleaning up dust around the shop, you might not need a shop vac, and a standard canister vacuum could be easier. Try to get one with a HEPA filter if you have allergies or any kind of dangerous dust in your shop. These things really clean great as they are the same technology NASA uses.

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